Drake Road, Glenview

The house we built on Drake Road in Glenview does not at first glance evoke extreme emotions – it is a sleek, modern building surrounded by a very well-kept garden. However, when you take a closer look at it, it is very easy to be impressed by it. The change in the landscape that we have made in 2 years is absolutely remarkable – in place of an old, neglected house appeared a residence that creates conditions for very comfortable living. The roof is also interesting – instead of asphalt shingles or metal sheets, there are tesla solar tiles, powering a very sophisticated smart home system. We are proud to present a project that taught us how to use many new construction technologies, which we can also use when building your new home.

Concept Stage

The house on Drake Road doesn’t stand out at first glance – on the face of it, it’s a compact, three-level structure with a garage partially located right next to the body of the building and a patio. Located in a quiet neighborhood and surrounded by old buildings, the home we erected had to be elegant yet modern. As is usually the case in Glenview, the plot of land chosen by the investor was already developed, so our work included demolition of the previously standing house.

Site Preparation & Groundwork

The process of demolishing the old house went smoothly – within 10 days we were able to not only get rid of the buildings, but also prepare the construction site for pouring the foundation concrete.

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After a break of several weeks, we returned to the construction site. Thanks to perfect weather and a relatively small excavation area, we created the foundation in just 2 weeks, allowing us to move on to the next stage of the project – framing installation.


In any case, this is a crucial stage. Once the building’s structure is erected, all work speeds up because at the same time, Integrity Construction Consulting’s teams and subcontractors can tackle both the interior and exterior of the house. That’s exactly what happened this time, too – the frame of the house on Drake Road was built in less than three months, and all signs pointed to the fact that we would still be able to install windows and doors before winter.

Interior Instalations

After installing the windows, we were able to move on to the next stage of work – insulating the walls, creating ventilation systems, plumbing, heating and electrical systems. We also erected a fireplace, which was placed in the living room. Soon after, we also began interior finishing, a report of which you will find below.

Exterior Instalations

The next step was to prepare the exterior of the house – first we erected the entrance stairs and installed windows. An equally important step was the installation of underlayment on the roof, which insulated and sealed the house from above. Cladding also came very quickly – at first with clinker bricks, and later, with ACM panels from Reynobond.

Tesla Solar Roof

As in the case of the house being erected on Linden Leaf Drive, in this case we also used the Tesla Solar Roof system. High-tech roofing tiles make it very cheap to operate the house – despite the constant heating or cooling of the house with air conditioning, annual electricity bills do not exceed $1,000. The roof also featured custom-made skylights.

Interior Finishing

Finishing the interior was not a problem – although aesthetics were extremely important, the solutions used were typical and did not require importing equipment from other countries as was the case with new construction in Evanston.

Exterior Finishing

The time has come for the final stage – exterior finishing. At the request of the client, we took care not only of the installation of ACM panels and gutters, but also the establishment of the garden including the patio. With the help of plantings of already developed plants and grass in rolls, we very quickly obtained a space inviting to relax outside.

Final Results